
People on #bible as of 10 Dec 2001 22:40 CST
Nickname  Status           User@Host
Judah     op, idle         This is me, the channel bot.
KaneStudy idle             Kane@cx2265001-a.alsv1.occa.home.com
SheepDog7 -                thedog@usr-dms1-63.uslink.net
   Info: You cant run with the big dogs, if you're sitting on the porch!!
cryss     idle             hugs@PPPa25-ResaleHouston7-1R7035.dialinx.net
Petrock   idle             sundance@c03-149.015.popsite.net
phuji     idle             lovingtyl@evrtwa1-ar7-003-193.vz.dsl.gtei.net
tomAthest idle             tomAthest@207-172-38-44.c3-0.fch-ubr1.lnh-fch.md.cable.rcn.com
Shadrach  op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Abidan    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
xoltra    idle             xoltra@cs6669236-197.austin.rr.com
some11    idle             some1@hc6526f70.dhcp.vt.edu
_mh       idle             g@ppp-s27-n193-as5.nerdc.ufl.edu
Stevo     idle             whatup@
^Forest^  op, idle         This is another channel bot.
PodKayNe  op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Logos6    idle             believer@chatsters.org
Rom3_10   op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Smyrna    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
mmlj4     op, idle         looseduk@dsl-65-186-251-57.telocity.com
Haggai    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Luther    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Logos2    idle             This is another channel bot.
Quill     idle             rose@works.for.att.lv
sharpton  idle             x@AC9C350D.ipt.aol.com
Mal42     op               This is another channel bot.

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